Thursday, September 23, 2010

A New Found Love of Mice and Men

George walked into the barn and the horses followed. George turns and there in the doorway stood Curley's wife. At that moment she fell head over heels in love, with him. Curley's wife starred at the face only a mother could love, and she moves closer to George.
     "You shouldn't be in here," George called, frozen to the spot.
     "I was just looking for Curley," she teased, "Have you seen him."
     "No, he's not here," George replied quickly.
     "Oh, well that's too bad, because misery loves company. Mind if I stay with you," the words playful came out of her mouth.
      "I don't want no trouble," George said sheepishly.
      "Oh, I won't cause no trouble. You know a good man is hard to find." She sat beside him on a pile of hay.
     "I don't want to trouble," repeated George. Love was in the air, George couldn't take his eyes off her.  "What if Curley shows up."
     "All is fair in love and war," she smiled, "Every man for himself."
    "But Curley will kill us," George replied. George looked around as if Curley was hiding in the barn.
     "Isn't it better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all," she muttered, "Please George live a little."
     "I can't, you'll get me fired, if you love something set it free." Curley's wife knelt on the floor,
     "How do I love thee, let me count the ways."
     "You have to stop, Curley might hear you," pleaded George. "We can't be together."
     "Love is blind, I have to be with you," she cried, "the heart wants what the heart wants."
     "I can't, I'll let down Lennie, and Candy," George stumbled, "I have dreams, that I am not going to give up for you."
     "Love conquers all, George please," she shouted, "don't leave me." George turned to go, he stopped in the doorway. He turned to look at Curley's wife. She was curled up on the ground, tears were streaming down her face. As George turned out of the barn he whispered to himself,
     "A faint heart never a true love knows." With that George met up with the rest of the guys to head to town.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Magic of Superpowers.

     I was walking through a forest with the wind blowing in my hair. A leafy breeze chilling my skin and evergreens towering above my head. As I walked on the dirt trail, I found a little bag on the ground. Curious, I picked up the little, silk bag and opened it up; inside were 4 small brown beans. I looked at the bag to find out where they came from, but all it said was beware, in small, black letters. Being a very curious person, I took out a single bean and place it in my hand. I lifted it to my nose and smelt it. It had a very original smell, like nothing I had ever smelt before. I wondered what it would taste like a placed the first one in my mouth. Chewing it slowly an explosion of flavor burst in my mouth. Than suddenly I started floating in the air. I was flying. I rose higher than the trees and up into the clouds. Still chewing the bean, I soared through the trees like the birds. When I swallowed the bean, I started to drift back down to the ground. I landed with a thud on the dirt path. Shaking off the dirt, and very confused I tried to jump into the air but I could no longer fly. Disappointed, I took another bean and put it in my mouth, and began chewing once again. This time, instead of rising into the air, I didn’t think anything had happened. But then I looked at my hands, and instead of seeing hands I saw the dirt trail below me. I was invisible. This was amazing. Every bean must have a superpower. Who ever lost these must be very disappointed. I was running through the forest and nothing could see me. I passed a group of hikers and they had no idea that a few feet away I was standing. I continued to run, but then I swallowed the bean. I appeared again within seconds. Wanting to see what else these beans had in store, I popped a third one in my mouth. This one tasted very sour, and sent chills down my spine. Nothing changed. At least, that’s what I thought. Disappointed that nothing had happened, I turned my head behind me. Behind me was a thin travel of gold. Everything I touched was turning to gold. This is amazing, I thought. I would be rich. But I had learned by now that I had to be chewing the bean for the power to work. I tried as fast as I could to make everything around me gold. Then I swallowed. Everything that had once been gold turned back. This superpower didn't stay after the bean was gone. I guess none of them had stayed. There was one bean left, sitting in the bottom of the bag. I wanted to eat it, but I wanted to save it at the same time. After a few minutes of debating with myself, I decided to eat it. I put the bean in my mouth and took the first bite. As my teeth parted the bean, everything around me disappeared. Everything was blank. I had vanished. Wanting to go back I swallowed the bean but nothing happened. I was stuck. There was no way back now.
 Back in the forest, the red, silk bag was laying on the dirt path, filled with four small, brown beans once more. Beware was all it read.